
文章主题:新建样式, 修改文档, PPTX操作, 添加元素(幻灯片




✨🚀掌握PPT大法,轻松呈现专业魅力!📈📊用这些步骤打造完美演示文稿:1️⃣ **幻灯片魔力**:启动幻灯片制作,填充文案的黄金地带,让信息一目了然!2️⃣ 📝**:**文本至胜,巧妙设计,让每字都熠熠生辉,提升阅读体验!3️⃣ 🎨**:**图像说话,精选高质量图片,为内容加分,视觉冲击力满分!🖼️4️⃣ **图表盛宴**:柱状图、条形图、折线图…数据可视化,直观展现趋势与对比!5️⃣ 🔍**:**表格达人,清晰结构,整理信息,逻辑一目了然!6️⃣ 🎯**:**几何图形玩转,多边形、饼图等,丰富视觉层次,提升专业感!7️⃣ **主题定制**:别具一格的标题和主题,彰显你的独特风格!8️⃣ 🔔**:**最后一步,设置PPT属性,让每一页都清晰有力地传达信息!✨记得,简洁明了是王道,让你的PPT成为观众眼中的焦点!🏆SEO优化提示:使用关键词”幻灯片制作”, “文本样式”, “图表设计”, “表格功能”, “几何图形”, “主题设置”等。

使用python 的其他库(Matplotlib,或者基于Matplotlib封装的seanborn)生成图片后,放入ppt中








0.prs=Presentation() # 可以带参数,参数为ppt模板路径path,

1.获取slide对象:prs.slides 有多少页,就有多少个slide,一个prs有多个slide

2.获取shape形状:slide.shapes 一个slide有多个shape



5.获取文字框对象内容:shape.text_frame.text 也可以直接赋值。


Presentation -> slide_masters -> slide_layouts

Presentation -> slides -> shapes -> placeholders | note | text_frame …


Presentation 演示文稿构造对象

slide_masters 幻灯片母版 (一个演示文件可以具有多个幻灯片母版) –

slide_layouts 幻灯片布局(属于母版而非 prs)

slides 幻灯片对象组,默认指向第一页 add_slide

shapes 形状,类似于 ps 中的画布,每个 shap (如 table) 相当于图层 add_shape

placeholders… 占位符,字典辅助类,每一个方框中都可以输入文字,或者输入其他类型的内容,该方框就叫占位符Placeholder

根据placeholdes获取一页幻灯片中的元素,slide.shapes.placeholders,使用该函数返回的对象下标访问.text 赋值,该下标的访问个数,是通过slide_layouts[*]定义时,所产生的。比如设置0,则有一个title和一个subtitle ,可以通过slide.shpaes.title 访问title对象,并调用title对象的text属性 赋值,达到设置幻灯片标题的目的。


(版式,在windows ppt中有对应的下拉框) prs.slide_layouts[0],根据参数的不同,设置不同的幻灯片布局,传入0获取第一个版式(也就是幻灯片布局)

0 -> title and subtitle 标题和副标题

1 -> title and content 标题和内容

2 -> section header 标题

3 -> two content 一个标题,两个内容

4 -> Comparison 一个标题,两个副标题,两个内容

5 -> Title only 仅标题

6 -> Blank 空白

7 -> Content with caption

8 -> Pic with caption 带标题的图片


prs = Presentation() prs.slide_masters[0].slide_layouts[0] prs.slide_layouts[0]


from pptx import Presentation from pptx.chart.data import ChartData,XyChartData,BubbleChartData,CategoryChartData from pptx.enum.chart import XL_CHART_TYPE,XL_LABEL_POSITION,XL_LEGEND_POSITION from pptx.util import Inches from pptx.enum.text import MSO_ANCHOR, MSO_AUTO_SIZE,MSO_VERTICAL_ANCHOR,PP_PARAGRAPH_ALIGNMENT,PP_ALIGN from pptx.dml.color import RGBColor from pptx.enum.dml import MSO_THEME_COLOR from pptx.enum.shapes import MSO_SHAPE_TYPE,MSO_SHAPE from pptx.util import Pt,Cm



prs = Presentation(./yishilumuban.pptx)

1.通过下标访问ppt slide



n_page = 0 # 定义内容: singleLineContent = “我是单行内容” multiLineContent = \ “””我是多行内容1 我是多行内容2 我是多行内容3 “”” # 获取需要添加文字的页面对象 slide0 = prs.slides[n_page] # slide0=prs.slides.add_slide(prs.slide_layouts[1]) # 设置幻灯片标题 title_placeholder0=slide0.shapes.title title_placeholder0.text=Hello World


# 设置添加文字框的位置以及大小 left, top, width, height = Cm(1.9), Cm(1), Cm(12), Cm(1.2) # 添加文字段落 slide.shapes.add_textbox(距离左边,距离顶端,宽度,高度) new_paragraph0 = slide0.shapes.add_textbox(left=left, top=top, width=width, height=height).text_frame # 设置段落内容 new_paragraph0.paragraphs[0].text = singleLineContent # 设置文字大小 new_paragraph0.paragraphs[0].font.size = Pt(15)


# 设置添加文字框的位置以及大小 left, top, width, height = Cm(1.9), Cm(3), Cm(12), Cm(3.6) # 添加文字段落 new_paragraph2 = slide0.shapes.add_textbox(left=left, top=top, width=width, height=height).text_frame # 设置段落内容 new_paragraph2.paragraphs[0].text = multiLineContent # 设置文字大小 new_paragraph2.paragraphs[0].font.size = Pt(15)


left, top, width, height = Cm(16.9), Cm(1), Cm(12), Cm(1.2) textBox = slide0.shapes.add_textbox(left=left, top=top, width=width, height=height) # 调整文本框背景颜色 textBoxFill = textBox.fill textBoxFill.solid() # 纯色填充 RGB颜色:https://www.w3schools.com/colors/colors_rgb.asp RGB Color Codes Chart textBoxFill.fore_color.rgb = RGBColor(187, 255, 255) # 文本框边框样式调整 line = textBox.line line.color.rgb = RGBColor(0, 255, 0) line.width = Cm(0.1) # 获取文本框对象 tf = textBox.text_frame # 文本框样式调整 tf.margin_bottom = Cm(0.1) # 下边距 tf.margin_left = 0 # 左边距 tf.vertical_anchor = MSO_VERTICAL_ANCHOR.BOTTOM # 对齐文本方式:底端对齐 tf.word_wrap = True # 文本框的文字自动对齐 text_frame.auto_size = MSO_AUTO_SIZE.SHAPE_TO_FIT_TEXT # 设置内容 tf.paragraphs[0].text = 这是一段文本框里的文字 # 字体样式调整 tf.paragraphs[0].alignment = PP_ALIGN.CENTER # 对齐方式 DISTRIBUTE JUSTIFY JUSTIFY_LOW LEFT RIGHT THAI_DISTRIBUTE MIXED tf.paragraphs[0].font.name = 微软雅黑 # 字体名称 tf.paragraphs[0].font.bold = True # 是否加粗 tf.paragraphs[0].font.italic = True # 是否斜体 tf.paragraphs[0].font.color.rgb = RGBColor(255, 0, 0) # 字体颜色 tf.paragraphs[0].font.size = Pt(20) # 字体大小

使用文本 slide2

# add_slide 将幻灯片添加到集合末尾。 slide1 = prs.slides.add_slide(prs.slide_layouts[1]) # 也可以直接访问:slide.shapes.title.text = ” Created By python-pptx” title_placeholder1=slide1.shapes.title title_placeholder1.text=访问文本框 # 对形状类型进行检查,确保可以使用文本框 for shape in slide1.shapes: if not shape.has_text_frame: continue text_frame = shape.text_frame # —————- # 访问段落。一个文本框包含至少一个段落, paragraph_strs = [ Egg, bacon, sausage and spam., Spam, bacon, sausage and spam., Spam, egg, spam, spam, bacon and spam. ] text_frame.clear() # remove any existing paragraphs, leaving one empty one p = text_frame.paragraphs[0] p.text = paragraph_strs[0] for para_str in paragraph_strs[1:]: p = text_frame.add_paragraph()# 新增paragraph p.text = para_str


slide2 = prs.slides.add_slide(prs.slide_layouts[1]) title_placeholder2=slide2.shapes.title title_placeholder2.text=应用字符格式 for shape in slide2.shapes: if not shape.has_text_frame: continue text_frame = shape.text_frame p = text_frame.paragraphs[0] run = p.add_run() run.text = Spam, eggs, and spam # 设置超链接 run.hyperlink.address = scanny/python-pptx # font = run.font font.name -&nbsp = Calibri font.size = Pt(18) font.bold = True font.italic = None # cause value to be inherited from theme font.color.theme_color = MSO_THEME_COLOR.ACCENT_1




slide3 = prs.slides.add_slide(prs.slide_layouts[5]) title_placeholder3=slide3.shapes.title title_placeholder3.text=柱状图 # 2. 创建图表数据 chart_data = CategoryChartData() chart_data.categories = [East, West, Midwest] chart_data.add_series(Series 1, (19.2, 21.4, 16.7)) # 添加数据到s幻灯片 x, y, cx, cy = Inches(2), Inches(2), Inches(6), Inches(4.5) slide3.shapes.add_chart( XL_CHART_TYPE.COLUMN_CLUSTERED, x, y, cx, cy, chart_data ) # 在柱状图傍显示图列 chart.has_legend = True chart.legend.position = XL_LEGEND_POSITION.RIGHT chart.legend.include_in_layout = False plot = chart.plots[0] plot.has_data_labels = True data_labels = plot.data_labels data_labels.font.size = Pt(13) data_labels.font.color.rgb = RGBColor(0x0A, 0x42, 0x80) data_labels.position = XL_LABEL_POSITION.INSIDE_END


slide4 = prs.slides.add_slide(prs.slide_layouts[5]) title_placeholder4=slide4.shapes.title title_placeholder4.text=多柱状图 chart_data = ChartData() chart_data.categories = [East, West, Midwest] chart_data.add_series(Q1 Sales, (19.2, 21.4, 16.7)) chart_data.add_series(Q2 Sales, (22.3, 28.6, 15.2)) chart_data.add_series(Q3 Sales, (20.4, 26.3, 14.2)) graphic_frame = slide4.shapes.add_chart( XL_CHART_TYPE.COLUMN_CLUSTERED, x, y, cx, cy, chart_data ) chart = graphic_frame.chart


slide5 = prs.slides.add_slide(prs.slide_layouts[5]) title_placeholder5=slide5.shapes.title title_placeholder5.text=散点图 chart_data = XyChartData() series_1 = chart_data.add_series(Model 1) series_1.add_data_point(0.7, 2.7) series_1.add_data_point(1.8, 3.2) series_1.add_data_point(2.6, 0.8) series_2 = chart_data.add_series(Model 2) series_2.add_data_point(1.3, 3.7) series_2.add_data_point(2.7, 2.3) series_2.add_data_point(1.6, 1.8) chart = slide5.shapes.add_chart( XL_CHART_TYPE.XY_SCATTER, x, y, cx, cy, chart_data ).chart


slide6 = prs.slides.add_slide(prs.slide_layouts[5]) title_placeholder6=slide6.shapes.title title_placeholder6.text=散点图-气泡大小 chart_data = BubbleChartData() series_1 = chart_data.add_series(Series 1) series_1.add_data_point(0.7, 2.7, 10) series_1.add_data_point(1.8, 3.2, 1) series_1.add_data_point(2.6, 0.8, 0.5) chart = slide6.shapes.add_chart( XL_CHART_TYPE.BUBBLE, x, y, cx, cy, chart_data ).chart


slide7 = prs.slides.add_slide(prs.slide_layouts[5]) title_placeholder7=slide7.shapes.title title_placeholder7.text=折线图 chart_data = CategoryChartData() chart_data.categories = [Q1 Sales, Q2 Sales, Q3 Sales] chart_data.add_series(West, (32.2, 28.4, 34.7)) chart_data.add_series(East, (24.3, 30.6, 20.2)) chart_data.add_series(Midwest, (20.4, 18.3, 26.2)) x, y, cx, cy = Inches(2), Inches(2), Inches(6), Inches(4.5) chart = slide7.shapes.add_chart( XL_CHART_TYPE.LINE, x, y, cx, cy, chart_data ).chart chart.has_legend = True chart.legend.include_in_layout = False chart.series[0].smooth = True# 是否平滑 chart.font.size = Pt(10) # 文字大小


slide8 = prs.slides.add_slide(prs.slide_layouts[5]) title_placeholder8=slide8.shapes.title title_placeholder8.text=折线图 chart_data = ChartData() chart_data.categories = [West, East, North, South, Other] chart_data.add_series(Series 1, (0.135, 0.324, 0.180, 0.235, 0.126)) chart = slide8.shapes.add_chart( XL_CHART_TYPE.PIE, x, y, cx, cy, chart_data ).chart chart.has_legend = True chart.legend.position = XL_LEGEND_POSITION.BOTTOM chart.legend.include_in_layout = False chart.plots[0].has_data_labels = True data_labels = chart.plots[0].data_labels data_labels.number_format = 0% data_labels.position = XL_LABEL_POSITION.OUTSIDE_END
其他图表 https://python-pptx.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api/chart.html#chart-api 或者使用其他库,生成图表


slide9 = prs.slides.add_slide(prs.slide_layouts[1]) # 设置表格位置和大小 left, top, width, height = Cm(1), Cm(1), Cm(13.6), Cm(5) # 1.表格行列数,和大小 并添加表格到幻灯片 shapes.add_table(rows, cols, left, top, width, height) shape = slide9.shapes.add_table(6, 7, left, top, width, height)# 返回表格形状,而不是表格本身。 # 访问表格对象 table = shape.table # shape.has_table 判断是否包含表格。 # 设置列宽 table.columns[0].width = Cm(3) table.columns[1].width = Cm(2.3) table.columns[2].width = Cm(2.3) table.columns[3].width = Cm(1.3) table.columns[4].width = Cm(1.3) table.columns[5].width = Cm(1.3) table.columns[6].width = Cm(2.1) # 设置行高 table.rows[0].height = Cm(1) # 合并首行 table.cell(0, 0).merge(table.cell(0, 6)) # 填写标题 table.cell(1, 0).text = “column1” table.cell(1, 1).text = “column2” table.cell(1, 2).text = “column3” table.cell(1, 3).text = “column4” table.cell(1, 4).text = “column5” table.cell(1, 5).text = “column6” table.cell(1, 6).text = “column7/” # 填写变量内容 table.cell(0, 0).text = “产品1” content_arr = [[“4/30-5/14”, “DVT1”, “20”, “12”, “22”, “25”, “5”], [“5/15-5/21”, “DVT1”, “25”, “32”, “42”, “30”, “8”], [“5/22-6/28”, “DVT1”, “1”, “27”, “37”, “56”, “12”], [“5/22-6/28”, “DVT1”, “1”, “27”, “37”, “56”, “12”]] # 修改表格样式 for rows in range(6): for cols in range(7): # Write column titles if rows == 0: # 设置文字大小 table.cell(rows, cols).text_frame.paragraphs[0].font.size = Pt(15) # 设置字体 table.cell(rows, cols).text_frame.paragraphs[0].font.name = 微软雅黑 # 设置文字颜色 table.cell(rows, cols).text_frame.paragraphs[0].font.color.rgb = RGBColor(255, 255, 255) # 设置文字左右对齐 table.cell(rows, cols).text_frame.paragraphs[0].alignment = PP_ALIGN.CENTER # 设置文字上下对齐 table.cell(rows, cols).vertical_anchor = MSO_ANCHOR.MIDDLE # 设置背景为填充 table.cell(rows, cols).fill.solid() # 设置背景颜色 table.cell(rows, cols).fill.fore_color.rgb = RGBColor(34, 134, 165) elif rows == 1: table.cell(rows, cols).text_frame.paragraphs[0].font.size = Pt(10) table.cell(rows, cols).text_frame.paragraphs[0].font.name = 微软雅黑 # 字体名称 table.cell(rows, cols).text_frame.paragraphs[0].font.color.rgb = RGBColor(0, 0, 0) table.cell(rows, cols).text_frame.paragraphs[0].alignment = PP_ALIGN.CENTER table.cell(rows, cols).vertical_anchor = MSO_ANCHOR.MIDDLE table.cell(rows, cols).fill.solid() table.cell(rows, cols).fill.fore_color.rgb = RGBColor(204, 217, 225) else: table.cell(rows, cols).text = content_arr[rows – 2][cols] table.cell(rows, cols).text_frame.paragraphs[0].font.size = Pt(10) table.cell(rows, cols).text_frame.paragraphs[0].font.name = 微软雅黑 # 字体名称 table.cell(rows, cols).text_frame.paragraphs[0].font.color.rgb = RGBColor(0, 0, 0) table.cell(rows, cols).text_frame.paragraphs[0].alignment = PP_ALIGN.CENTER table.cell(rows, cols).vertical_anchor = MSO_ANCHOR.MIDDLE table.cell(rows, cols).fill.solid() table.cell(rows, cols).fill.fore_color.rgb = RGBColor(204, 217, 225)

表格2 shapes.add_table(rows, cols, left, top, width, height)

black_slide_layout=prs.slide_layouts[6] slide=prs.slides.add_slide(black_slide_layout) shapes=slide.shapes rows, cols = 5, 3 left = top = Cm(5) width = Cm(18) height = Cm(3) table=shapes.add_table(rows,cols,left,top,width,height).table table.columns[0].width=Cm(6) table.columns[1].width=Cm(2) table.columns[2].width=Cm(2) table.rows[0].height=Cm(2) data = [ [“姓名”,“性别”,“成绩”], [“张三”,“男”,96], [“李四”,“女”,87], [“王五”,“女”,90], [“赵六”,“男”,78] ] for row in range(rows): for col in range(cols): table.cell(row,col).text = str(data[row][col])


slide10 = prs.slides.add_slide(prs.slide_layouts[1]) # 设置待添加的图片 img_name = 微信图片_20201215184251.png # 设置位置 left, top, width, height = Cm(6), Cm(6), Cm(20), Cm(9) # 进行添加 slide.shapes.add_picturs(图片路径, 距离左边, 距离顶端, 宽度, 高度) slide10.shapes.add_picture(image_file=img_name,left=left,top=top,width=width,height=height)




# 打开待读取的ppt文件 ppt = Presentation(test.pptx) # 获取第0张 slide0 = ppt.slides[3] # 遍历所有内容 for shape in slide0.shapes: # 打印shape名称 print(shape.shape_type) # 判断是否为表格 if shape.shape_type == MSO_SHAPE_TYPE.TABLE: #获取表格行 for row in shape.table.rows: for cell in row.cells: print(cell.text_frame.text)


def del_slide(prs,index): slides = list(prs.slides._sldIdLst) prs.slides._sldIdLst.remove(slides[index]) ppt = Presentation(path.pptx) # 获取所有页 slides = ppt.slides number_pages = len(slides) # 设置需要删除的页面数量 delPageNums = 3 # 进行删除操作(每次都删除第一张ppt) for index in range(delPageNums): del_slide(ppt,0)


for i ,slide in enumerate(prs.slides): if i==1:# 第二页 for shape in slide.shapes: if shape.has_text_frame: text_frame=shape.text_frame print(text_frame.text)


for i,slide in enumerate(prs.slides): if i==1: for shape in slide.shapes: if shape.has_text_frame: text_frame=shape.text_frame for paragraph in text_frame.paragraph: print(paragragh.text)


for slide in pptx.slides: for shape in slide.shapes: if shape.has_text_frame: text_frame = shape.text_frame for paragraph in text_frame.paragraphs: for run in paragraph.runs: print(run.text)


import pptx from pptx import Presentation for fpathe,dirs,fs in os.walk(ppt): for f in fs: if .pptx in f: paths=”%s\%s” %(fpathe,f) print(paths) prs = Presentation(%s%paths) for j in range(0,len(prs.slides)): shape=prs.slides[j].shapes for i in range(0,len(shape)): if(shape[i].has_text_frame): for paragraph in shape[i].text_frame.paragraphs: for run in paragraph.runs: if 需要替换的内容 in run.text: run.text=你的内容 os.makedirs(%s_r%fpathe) prs.save(%s_r\%s%(fpathe,f))


import pptx from pptx import Presentation prs = Presentation(XX门店客流阶段性报告模板(2).pptx) shape=prs.slides[0].shapes for i in range(0,len(shape)): if(shape[i].has_text_frame): for paragraph in shape[i].text_frame.paragraphs: for run in paragraph.runs: if XX in run.text: run.text=依视路 prs.save(XX门店客流阶段性报告模板.pptx)


# 1.占位符id的打印 prs = Presentation(path.pptx) slide = prs.slides.add_slide(prs.slide_layouts[0]) for shape in slide.placeholders: phf = shape.placeholder_format print(f”{phf.idx}—{shape.name}—{phf.type}”) shape.text = f”{phf.idx}—{shape.name}—{phf.type}” prs.save(“模板.pptx”) # 2. 内容的填写 prs = Presentation(“path.pptx”) slide = prs.slides.add_slide(prs.slide_layouts[0]) text1 = slide.placeholders[0] text2 = slide.placeholders[1] text1.text = “name1” text2.text = “name2” prs.save(“内容填充.pptx”)


# 1. 占位符id确认 为phf.idx prs=Presentation(path.pptx) slide=prs.slides.addlide(prs.slide_layouts[0]) for shape in slide.placeholders: phf=shape.plachholder_format print(f”{phf.idx}–{shape.name}–{phf.type}”) shape.text = f”{phf.idx}–{shape.name}–{phf.type}” # 第二个slide slide=prs.slides.add_slide(prs.slide_layouts[1]) for shape in slide.placeholders: phf=shape.placheolder_format print(f”{phf.idx}–{shape.name}–{phf.type}”) shape.text = f”{phf.idx}–{shape.name}–{phf.type}” prs.save(**.pptx) # 2. 段落添加 # 为第一个slide赋值 slide=pre.slides.add_slide(prs.slide_layouts[0]) slide_name=slide.placeholders[1] slide_2=slide.placeholders[2] slide_name.text= slide_2.text= slide1=prs.slide.add_slide(prs.slide_layouts[1]) shapes=slide1.shapes title_shape=shapes.title#shape.title 等同于shapes.placeholders[0] body_shape=shapes.placeholders[1] # 添加标题文本 title_shape.text= # 添加段落内容 tf = body_shape.text_frame # 这句代码就是给body占位符添加内容! tf.text = “带圆点的符号1” p = tf.add_paragraph() # 这个代码表示在原来的基础上,添加第一个段落! p.text = “带圆点的符号2” p = tf.add_paragraph() # 这个代码表示在原来的基础上,添加第二个段落! p.text = “带圆点的符号3” prs.save()


prs=Presentation() slide=prs.slides.add_slide(prs.slide_layouts[1]) shapes=slied.shapes title_shape=shapes.title body_shape=shapes.placeholders[1] title_shape.text= tf=body_shape.text_frame df.text= p=tf.add_paragraph() p.text= p.level=1# 默认层级为0,这个段落设置为1 p=tf.add_paragraph() p.text= p.level=2 # 构建一个三层的层级树



prs=Presentation() black_slide_layout=prs.slide_layouts[0] slide=prs.slides.add_slide(black_slide_layout) left=top=width=height=Cm(3) text_box=slide.shapes.add_textbox(left,top,width,height) tf=text_box.text_frame tf.text=


tf.margin_bottom = Cm(0.1) # 下边距 tf.margin_left = 0 # 下边距 tf.vertical_anchor = MSO_ANCHOR.BOTTOM # 对齐文本方式:底端对齐 tf.word_wrap = True # 框中的文字自动换行


fill = text_box.fill fill.solid()# 纯色填充。 # 使用之前一定要导入RGBColor这个库 fill.fore_color.rgb = RGBColor(247, 150, 70)


line = text_box.line line.color.rgb = RGBColor(255, 0, 0) line.width = Cm(0.3)


p=tf.add_paragraph() p.text= p.font.bold=True# 加粗 p.font.size=Pt(40) # 字体大小


p.alignment = PP_ALIGN.LEFT


1 .add_run() 添加新的文字块 2. .level 3. .line_spacing 4. .runs 5. .space_after 6. .space_before


1. font.name -&nbsp 字体名称 2. p.font.blod 是否加粗 3. p.font.italic 是否斜体 4. p.font.color 字体颜色 5. p.font.size 字体大小


官方文档:python-pptx – python-pptx 0.6.18 documentation


pptx 批量操作幻灯片 | Python 技术论坛

python-pptx的基本使用 – 云+社区 – 腾讯云

python自动化办公之python操作PPT_Huang supreme的博客-CSDN博客

如何用python修改pptx,替换ppt的内容 – python,PHP学习




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