
文章主题:文章关键词:ChatGPT, 编程, 作业, 剧本


ChatGPT,一个能够编写代码、撰写作业、创作剧本以及解答问题的机器人,近日频繁地出现在人们的视线中。它的开发者,OpenAI公司的首席执行官山姆·奥特曼(Sam Altman),也随着这个机器人的流行而声名鹊起。山姆·奥特曼毕业于世界顶级学府斯坦福大学的计算机系,并在学校的人工智能实验室工作过。

ChatGPT 是一个人工智能写作工具,其能够生成高质量的文章和文本。那么,它是否适用于托福作文的写作呢?实际上,ChatGPT 可以帮助托福考生在撰写作文时提供一些灵感和建议,但生成的文章可能在语法、词汇和 coherence 等方面存在一些不足。因此,虽然 ChatGPT 可以作为辅助工具,但其并不能完全替代人类作家的创造力和语言能力。此外,ChatGPT 生成的文章在分数上可能会有所差异。由于托福评分标准较为复杂,涉及到语音、语法、词汇、内容和连贯性等多个方面,因此仅仅依靠 ChatGPT 生成的文章很难获得高分。但是,它可以作为一种参考,帮助考生更好地了解托福考试的评分标准和写作要求。最后,ChatGPT 对于托福考生来说可以用于以下几个方面:首先,它可以提供一些写作灵感,帮助考生更好地展开思路和构建文章结构;其次,它可以自动检查语法和拼写错误,从而提高文章的质量和减少失分;最后,它可以协助考生快速完成一些简单的写作任务,从而节省时间和提高效率。综上所述,ChatGPT 可以作为一个辅助工具,帮助托福考生在撰写作文时提供一些灵感和建议,但生成的文章可能在语法、词汇和 coherence 等方面存在一些不足。


大狮姐最近 assign 给 ChatGPT 一篇 TPO54 Task2 的作文任务。根据规定,托福写作 Task 2 的截止时间是 30 分钟。然而,令人惊讶的是,ChatGPT 在仅仅 20 秒内,就完成了一篇字数在 350-400 字之间的独立写作。这无疑展现了 ChatGPT 强大的语言处理能力和高效的工作效率,让人不禁对人工智能的潜力感到惊叹。




At the same time, its important to consider the economic impact of both arts and athletics. Investment in the arts can stimulate economic growth by creating jobs and boosting tourism. The arts also have the potential to drive innovation and creativity, which can lead to new products and services and provide a boost to the overall economy. On the other hand, investment in athletic programs can also drive economic growth, as sports tourism and the creation of sports-related jobs can contribute to local economies.

Ultimately, the question of whether governments should spend more money on the arts or athletics is a complex one and will depend on a variety of factors. While it is important to support both arts and athletics, the exact allocation of resources will depend on the specific needs and interests of the population, as well as the priorities and resources of the government. In conclusion, while both arts and athletics are important and should be supported by governments, the exact amount of funding allocated to each area will depend on the specific needs and interests of the population and the priorities of the government. Investment in both the arts and athletics can drive economic growth, promote physical fitness and national pride, and contribute to the cultural heritage of a nation.



彭璐老师:我会给4.5分。文章写得非常成熟,对话题进行了非常全面的考虑和论证。开头段的背景中,充分考虑了两方的观点和主要理由。在自己的观点段中,给出了清晰的观点和进一步的建议。在后续的两个段落中,分别从 traditions 和 economy 两个角度分情况讨论/比较了投资 athletics 和 art 的好处。最后两段中,再次强调了决策需要充分权衡。




Do you agree or disagree with the followin statement?

Students are more influenced by their teachers than by their friends.

In my opinion, students are more influenced by their friends rather than their teachers. Therefore, I disagree with the statement “Students are more influenced by their teachers than by their friends.”

I do not disagree with the fact that students get influenced by their teachers, however, I believe that this “influence” is mostly within the field of academics. In most cases, the only time that students communicate with the teacher is in the school building, in the classroom. Most of the discussions are about topics related to studies. However, with friends, students often tend to discuss a variety of topics, such as studies, friends, relationships, and families. Therefore, students are generally influenced more broadly by their friends, while the only influence made by the teachers are mostly academical.

The amount of time spent with the teacher or friend, also effect on how much influence has been made to a person. As mentioned previously, the time that students communicate with the teachers is restricted to school hours. However, students spend or communicate with their friends not only in school but even outside the school campus and school hours. Especially with the emerging technology, and the development of mobile phones and the internet, students are now able to communicate with their friends at any time where ever they are. Since the amount of time spent communicating with their friends are much larger than the time spent with the teachers, there are more chance of the students being influenced by their friends rather than their teachers.

Also, it is normal that the students feel psychologically more attached to the people in their age group, especially with their friends. The teachers are usually from different generations from the students and this may cause the students to feel that there is a distance between how they think/feel and how the teachers think/feel. Since the students are more emotionally and psychologically attached to their friends, they feel more comfortable to discuss their issues with them and accept their responses more openly and easily. This fact relates directly to how much they are influenced by their friends.

For these reasons, I believe that students are more influenced by their friends than by their teachers.

这篇官方参考范文属于High-Level Response.而根据官方文件具体分数的范围是25-30分。ChatGPT给出的参考分数为23-27分,看来AI评分还是非常严格的。


According to the TOEFL writing scoring standard, this composition would likely receive a score of 23-27 out of 30. The following aspects of the writing would be considered in the score:

Task response: The writer clearly states their opinion on the given statement and supports their argument with relevant explanations and examples. The writer also stays focused on the topic throughout the composition.

Organization: The writer effectively presents their ideas in a well-structured manner, with clear introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. The writer also effectively uses transitional words and phrases to connect their ideas.

Coherence and Cohesion: The writer effectively uses cohesive devices such as pronoun references, reference to a previous idea or situation, and repetition of a word or phrase to connect ideas and make the composition easier to follow.

Vocabulary: The writer uses a range of vocabulary to express their ideas clearly and effectively. There are some instances of vocabulary repetitions, but overall the writer uses appropriate and varied vocabulary.

Grammar: The writer demonstrates good control of grammar, although there are some errors that do not significantly hinder the overall meaning of the composition.

This composition demonstrates a good level of writing ability and meets the expectations of a high-intermediate TOEFL test taker.


Please rate the composition according to TOEFL writing scoring standard if the question is “题目”. The english composition is “你的作文”.













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